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Research Type:
Graduate education projects
August 1986-up to now:
Teaching Advanced Polymer Chemistry, Advanced Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry, Synthesis of Organic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry I, II and III, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry for Agricultural Major, Principles of Polymerization, Spectroscopic Methods for Identification of Organic Compounds, and Properties, Application of Natural Polymers, Heterocyclics and Organic Reactive Intermediates. Synthesis and Application of Functionalized Polymers.
August 1982-1984:
Graduate Research Assistant with Professor George B. Butler.
August 1979-1982:
Graduate Teaching Assistant for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratories and Discussion class for Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611, U.S.A.
August 1976-1978:
Graduate Teaching Assistant for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratories, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 48197, U.S.A.
A. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Polymers Via Diels-Alder and Ene Reactions.
B. Synthesis of Novel Optically Active Polymers Via Ene and Reaction Diels-Alder and Ene Reactions.
C. Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Model Compounds and Novel Polymers Via Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions.
D. Synthesis and Trapping of Bisbenzyne.
E. Using Bisbenzyne as a Monomer in Cycloaddition Polymerization.
F. Synthesis and Characterization of New Monomers and Polymerization of these New Monomers.
G. Solid Phase Organic Reactions, including Oxidation and Reduction.
H. Microwave Assisted Organic and Polymerization Reactions.
1982-1984: Seminar Chairman for the Polymer Research Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611, U.S.A.
1987-1989: Chairman for the college of Chemistry, Isfahan, University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156, I. R. Iran.
1991-up to now: Editorial Board, Iranian Polymer Journal, P.O. Box 14965 /159, Tehran, I. R. Iran. Tel: (9821) 602-6317-9; Tel/Fax: (9821) 602-6041; Fax: (9821) 602- 6500
1996: Chairman for the 5th Iranian Seminar of Organic Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, I.R.Iran, August, 17-19, 1996.
1998: Advisory Board (AB), Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B.
Fax: (00-91)(11-5787062) and
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1999-up to now: Editorial Board, Journal of Iranian Chemistry, P.O. Box 15875-1169, Tehran, I. R. Iran. Tel: (9821) 880-8066. Iranian Chemical & Engineering Society.
May, 2005-2007- Deputy of Research, Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology.
AFFILIATIONS:Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Society. Iranian Polymer Science and Engineering Society.


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